Why is my score not updating?

Several factors can cause a delay.

Your score may not update immediately as all shares and votes must go through a validation process to ensure accuracy in scoring—this checks for duplicate votes or other abuses of the voting system. As long as you’re playing fair, you should see your score update after a few minutes and a browser refresh.

Here are some things to check if you consistently see that your score isn’t changing:

  • Avoid sharing on the same browser, device or social account that someone else used to visit our storyteller website.
  • Make sure you share from your personal storyteller page. You can get to your page through the unique link we sent you in an email with the subject line ‘You’re a finalist!’. To check that you have the correct page, pay attention to the preview of your share message during the process—it should read “I’m a finalist…” and not “My friend is a finalist…”
  • Make sure you wait at least 24 hours after you last shared your story. This time limit is in place to prevent social apps from thinking that you’re trying to spam their network.
  • In some cases, your browser or device may have cached a previous score and may take a while to update. You can try clearing your cache and cookies manually, but you’ll have to search online for instructions specific to your browser and device. There’s no need to worry if you do have this issue, as valid points will still be counted towards your score.
  • Don’t use fake email accounts, and don’t vote/share on someone else’s behalf. While we appreciate the enthusiasm we want to make sure everything is fair for all participants. We have measures in place that will withhold points if it detects any attempt to abuse the voting system.

We hope the information here helps you better understand what might be happening with your score. Best of luck with your story!

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