How do I rally points?

The basics of scoring.

Finalists can earn points in a variety of ways:

  • Casting your first vote - The first time you visit your personal storyteller page (the link to it is in your finalist email), you automatically cast your first vote for yourself. Congratulations! You’re on the scoreboard and can go to the next step.
  • Boosting your score - Now that you’ve cast your first vote, it’s time to rally your audience to vote for your story. Sharing through your exclusive link to Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin earns you bonus points while helping to spread the word about your entry. You can share to each network once every 24 hours.

Friends can help finalists earn extra points:

  • Friend and Visitor votes - From your family to your BFF to your mother’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate, everyone has the chance to help you earn points just by voting.
  • Friend score boost - The fun doesn’t stop once a friend casts their vote. They can also share to their own networks and help your story grow into a social phenomenon, adding more bonus points and increasing your chance to get more votes.
  • To ensure everything runs smoothly and is fair for everyone, votes and shares go through a validation process and may not update immediately.

Remember: Winners are decided by a panel of judges based on several criteria, but higher scores improve your chances of being selected. Good luck and happy voting!

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